Belly Fat Formula- Flat Belly Secrets Click Here
Discover The 3 Key Fat Loss Truths You NEED To Know To Fight Your ?Excess Belly Fat.?..
By Aaron Stone -- Certified Personal Trainer and Exercise Prescription Specialist
Have you tried and tried (and tried) to lose your excess belly fat only to fail miserably time and time again. If so... then this short article is just what you have been searching for!
Over the next couple of minutes we'll share with you some really simple tricks and proven techniques that, when combined together, have helped many of our clients lose the excess belly fat they had been struggling with for years.
Belly Fat Formula
Fat Loss Truth #1... Dieting Will Not Work
OK, Fat loss is easy right? Just go on a diet, make sure you eat fewer calories than you expend on a daily basis and the fat will disappear right? Unfortunately, its not so simple.
While your calorie balance is an important part of losing excess belly fat... the tragic reality is MOST diets do not work and will not lead to long term weight loss?
Why NOT? Well let me get a little scientific for just a second.
The reason most crash diets do not work is that they send your body into starvation mode. This can actually cause a slowing of your body's fat burning metabolism as your body tries to adapt to a lower calorie intake. What's even more important... in extreme calorie restriction diets your body will take matters into its own hands and will start to break down all important lean muscle to use as fuel.
The result? This leads to a reduction in your fat burning capability. Less lean muscle stores means you will start to burn fewer calories every day and in the long term you are wired to put any fat you do manage to lose straight back on. Ouch!
Most crash diets do not lead to long term fat loss.
Belly Fat Formula
Fat Loss Truth #2... Ab Exercises and Gadgets...
You can do a truckload of ab exercises and it wont help burn stomach fat faster. In fact you may just increase the size of your muscles under the layer of belly fat -- making you belly stick out even further.
Certainly the ab gimmicks you will have seen advertised demonstrating amazingly toned men and women look extremely compelling right? You know what... I can tell you with 100% confidence they didn't get in that great shape using the specific ab product they are flogging!
The best exercises for losing Belly Fat and getting a flat stomach or 6 pack abs are NOT abdominal exercises. We cover off the best exercises to get a flat sexy stomach in the Belly Fat Formula... and it may be a surprise to you that NONE of these exercises specifically target your Belly Fat.
Fat Loss Truth #3... Slow Boring Cardio Is Ineffective
Right. The final weight loss truth. Traditional slow boring cardio wont help accelerate your fat loss. Yes, I know... 99% of 'experts' will try to tell you time and time again that this is the way to get rid of your belly fat.
Now I will admit... you will burn a few extra calories from slow cardio. But the key thing is it won't raise your metabolism for long periods of fat burning like other more effective fat burning exercises.
What's more... do too much slow cardio and you may even break down valuable lean muscle. This means you will further reduce your fat burning capability.
This is not good.
Now I imagine some of these TRUTHS might come as a bit of a surprise to you?
But it's true. None of these 3 methods are going to get rid of your belly fat and in fact they are simply getting in the way of achieving Real Results.
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